
Friday, March 19, 2021

What's the Weather in Te Reo Maori

 Hey Bloggers, lately in Maori we have been learning about the weather and how to ask what the weather is in Maori. We had to make a poster that taught people how to ask what the weather is and then make a Scratch animation. 

I think the poster would have turned out better if there hadn't been as many words or if there had been more space. I found it a bit tricky on scratch, I am not much of a coder. I found it a bit hard to get them to move and to make be at the right spot on the screen.

Have you ever learnt about the weather in Maori at school? If you have did you enjoy it? Can you speak much Maori? I cannot speak that much Maori. Do you do much Maori at school? We do an average amount. If there is anything that I can improve on please comment below.

Bye Bloggers, Soph :)

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Te Tiriti o Waitangi: A History

 Hey Bloggers, this week we are just finishing off our study of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Today we had to make a timeline of important key events that happened concerning the treaty, what lead up to it and what followed. Sorry if you don't understand what is happening, I was trying to fit it all in. In case you don't understand what is happening throughout the time line here is some quick bullet points that sum up what I was trying to say.

  • Māori were living in Aotearoa to themselves 

  • All of land and natural resources belonged to Māori

  • 1769 Captain Cook arrived in NZ

  • 1790 pāheka came to hunt seals and whales, cut trees and flax to sell elsewhere. Pakeha Missionaries spread Christianity across NZ

  • By 183o several hundred Pakeha came to live in what they called NZ

  • 1831 - chiefs wrote to King of England and asking for protection from the French

  • 28 October 1835 james Busby presented document to chiefs at Waitangi - the Declaration of Independence 

  • By 1840 52 chiefs had signed declaration of independence

  • Late January, 1840 William Hobson arrived in Bay of Islands

  • 6 Feb 1840 some chiefs ready to Sign Treaty

  • Over the next 7 months, in 1840, over 700 chiefs ‘signed’ the Treaty of Waitangi

  • Māori and British fought the NZ land wars 1845-1872

  • 1865 Māori lost land through the Native Court System

  • 1906 James Carroll native Minister said time to help Māori who have lost land due to British people’s actions

  • 1975 Waitangi Tribunal set up to sort out disputes

  • 1985 rules changes so that historic claims could be fought (land that was taken way back in the past!)

Do you know much about this time line? If there is anything that I can improve about the time line please tell me! Do you think that the government did the right thing opening the tribunal? I think it was a pretty good idea, it is good that they want to fox the wrongs that happened. Please comment below if there is anything that I can improve on.

Bye Bloggers, Soph :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

K.O.S Comic

 Hey Bloggers, today we continued to learn about K.O.S (Keeping Ourselves Safe). I have done a blog post about this already in case you were wondering. Today we were learning about being responsible for others safety. This included their emotional and physical safety and that lots of people experience being emotionally unsafe. We had to finish the comic below, we had to fill in the last square with how we think the best way to react to this would be. 

It start with the scene of a party. The next scene shows us to friends, we had to put ourselves in the mindset of being the blond girl. The next panel shows to other girls coming over and talking to the blonde and excluding the black haired girl while they are talking to her. It then shows us a picture of the black haired girl looking sad because she is being left out. Then the two girls try to pull the blonde away from her friend, she looks like she is worried about her friend.

I chose to draw the blonde girl coming back for her friend and taking her with the other two girls. I chose to do this because I think it is the best way to include everyone.

What would you chose to draw in the last panel? Do you agree with me or do you think that there is a better course of action? Are you good at drawing? I'm average. Do you think I could have done better colours? I think I could have done better colours. Do you colour things in much at home? Please comment below if there is anything I can improve!

Bye Bloggers, Soph :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A Side to Every Story

 Hey Bloggers, in class we have been studying the Treaty of Waitangi. Lately we have been focusing more on what the Maori and the white people would have been feeling and experiencing during the treaty signing and the wars. After we researched this we had to make a Voki about how someone would feeling during these times. 

I found it a bit difficult to choose a good voice and person. There wasn't really any proper Maori outfits to use.In the end I used an Indian voice, it doesn't really sound Maori but it works. The skin colour was a bit difficult to get right, I don't know if it's correct but I tried my best. In the end I filmed it on my phone because that was the easiest way to download it.

 I tried really hard to get the video on blogger but it just wouldn't work. To watch the video click here for the link.

Who do you think you would write about, the Maori or the white people? What do you think these people would be feeling? If you were in there position what would you be feeling? Have you used Voki before? if you have did you enjoy using it? Do you use Voki much, if you use it at all.

Bye Bloggers, Soph :)

Monday, March 1, 2021

Terrific Tāmoko

 Hey Bloggers, we have been learning about Tāmoko in our class. I found it really interesting the culture behind the Tāmoko, there is a lot of history involved with it! We had to make a poster with some facts and pictures. I found it a bit tricky to make the poster look good, I had to retry a couple of things. 

When I make posters I always find it a bit tricky to make the text the right size but it turned out alright in the end. I tried to get drawn pictures of the Tāmoko so that it matched the poster. I think it turned out pretty nice with the drawn pictures.

Have you ever learned about Tāmoko in your class? Have you ever seen anyone in real life with one? Did you know what it was called before you read this blog post? Do any of your family members have a Tāmoko? If there is anything I can improve please comment below.

Bye Bloggers, Soph :)